"Good morning world. Today we have the pleasure of talking with Hermes Trimegistus, the Silent Oracle. How's it going Hermes?"
"Can you help me sneak out the back?" "Who let you in here?"
"Hermes, I'm Phillip Johnson from the MERCURY PRESS, our listeners want to hear your opinions on the end of the world and why have you chosen now to start speaking again."
"I wasn't the guy who said the world was coming to an end, someone heard me discussing the collapse of the universe into a conformal singularity within our lifetimes. I was just working on exotic manifolds in higher order geometry, and the next thing I know I'm prisoner here in ORACA Brussels, Belgium, held up as the "Last Prophet." "I never stopped talking, nobody listens to me." "And by the way my name is George Ladle, not Hermes."
"Hermes, George, whatever, Why aren't you in school, you're barely old enough to ride a bike?"
"Look you old bastard, I never asked for this attention. My parents shipped me off to this place to learn manners, Mom and Dad didn't like hearing that the sky is rising." "And besides I started making lucky guesses about all kinds of things I'm not supposed to know anything about." "I guess I did get a little too self righteous."
"You mean to say you aren't the 23rd Tantric Master of the final days?" "What's with all the devotees, the silk pillows, the fruit offerings?"
"Tantric Master?" I don't even know what that means and if I did know I would lie about it because that sounds simply disgusting." "You old people gross me out, always lusting after everything from money, power, fame, adoration, enlightenment." "Look the groupies are really cute, but I thought I had descent parents and I just want to go back to being a normal suburban kid." "I don't care about your stupid newswire or the end of the world, when it happens no one is going to care about it anyways."
"But George, you must know you're right, the Far Field Observatories have verified the Cosmological Constant has reached your predicted shock values for unanticipated acceleration?" "Gravitational Lensing Effects are already warping time waves into unsheared light rays of rainbow iridescence." "People already agree, the stars are more beautiful tonight."
"That's not the worst of it, I keep having these dreams where we are not the first, or last universes to have been reincarnated en mass, only to blink out" "Every time a universe produces life forms self aware enough to produce these levels of scientific exploration, somewhere a Higg's Boson reaches permanent stability." "This always has an orbital correspondence interface with the separate dimensions producing a final linear singularity." "The little crime that got me imprisoned here was that I showed how higher order wave space is always reducible back into a subspace using only supergravity." "Physical reality is merely a sub condensate of uniform discontinuity." "I'm sorry I called you an old bastard, any chance you can help me out with a little extraction here?"
"George, or Hermes, I'm going to loose my job for this, again, but your parents want you back home, we are free to go." "I do extractions in my sleep." "And as you very well know, we were never here."